Find your StyleLingua and dress in harmony
with who you are, what you do, and your goals.

The image you present to the world communicates a lot about you. By using your StyleLingua
—your personal visual language of image, style, and wardrobe—you can express your best self, at any stage of life.

Discover your SLF. Develop a personal wardrobe strategy.

StyleLingua combines elements of art and science, using both proven techniques and the latest thinking about image and style. Our collaborative, custom-designed approach reveals your StyleLingua Factors—your SLF—the many attributes that make up the three key facets of you:

Who You Are:
Your physical body, as well as your personal preferences and style.

This helps us ascertain the wardrobe elements that work best for you, including fit, colors, designs, materials, and silhouettes.

What You Do:
Your interests, job hobbies, responsibilities and commitments.

This enables us to further identify wardrobe appropriateness and context.

Your Goals:
Your plans, purpose, aspirations, and needs.

These provide the foundation for a personal wardrobe strategy that helps you thrive.

Experience the connection between image and impact.

While we know there’s much more to you than your outward appearance, the right  image can help
you make the impact you want. Based on your personal wardrobe needs and goals, StyleLingua can show you how to:

  • Be an intentional dresser: know your purpose when you choose an outfit.
  • Be a more mindful, informed shopper: Use strategy and savvy to buy what you need and want.
  • Prioritize comfort and fit through an understanding of the optimal proportions that flatter your body.
  • Optimize design elements: Know how to make color, texture, pattern, scale, harmony, and balance work for you.



Discover your StyleLingua

We are happy to work with you, anywhere—however you choose—in person or online.

Learn more with our complimentary 30-minute consultation.